Sunday, May 17, 2015

Social Skills for Teenagers and Adults with Asperger Syndrome: A Practical Guide to Day-to-day Life On Sale

Title : Social Skills for Teenagers and Adults with Asperger Syndrome: A Practical Guide to Day-to-day Life
Category: Autism & Asperger's Syndrome
Brand: Brand: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 3.9
Buyer Review : 15

Description : This specific Social Skills for Teenagers and Adults with Asperger Syndrome: A Practical Guide to Day-to-day Life works fantastic, simple to use and also change. The price of this became reduced as compered to other locations I researches, and not far more than related item

This kind of obcject gives overtake own anticipation, this one has chaned into a amazing upgrade on myself, The theory arrived safely as well as speedily Social Skills for Teenagers and Adults with Asperger Syndrome: A Practical Guide to Day-to-day Life

This resource provides practical strategies for helping teenagers and adults with Asperger Syndrome to navigate social skills, friendships and relationships at home and in the community.

The author offers advice and useful strategies for tackling day-to-day problems such as visits to the dentist or the doctor, searching for a job, sorting out personal finances, going on vacation, and dealing with public transport, as well as more intimate topics such as dating and acquiring and maintaining friendships. The chapters are structured around real-life scenarios and the challenges they present, followed by step-by-step solutions and suggestions. A final section provides a set of practical self-help tools, which encourage the reader to note down answers to the questions posed and record personal reflections.

This accessible guide will be essential reading for teenagers and adults with Asperger Syndrome and their families, teachers, therapists, counsellors, carers, social and health work professionals.

Features :
  • Used Book in Good Condition

Review :
I literally just closed this book, and after giving my mother a recap of the book as well as what it taught me..followed by the exclamation, "GOD I WISH I HAD THAT BOOK SOONER." I checked this book out from the library but I'm ordering it once I finish this review. Not only is it jam-packed full of fabulous advice for a (recently-diagnosed) Aspergian, but it has a great not-so-little section at the end with more resources to help you evaluate where you are socially and to help monitor your daily life to make the most of the best of Asperger Syndrome! (There's also a glossary which is helpful).

The book addresses different topics but throughout it the author accomplishes the teaching of social skills beautifully providing a concept followed by (and I quote):
1) a definition of the concept
2) a list of the salient features
3) positive examples
4) negative examples
5) a prototype
6) opportunities to sort and identify positive and negative...
Excellant Resource for Everyone
This book must have been written with us in mind. It confirmed things we guessed at and even pointed out things we didn't know were a result of our daughter's AS. I wish we had this book a couple years ago as a guide for making it through high school, but she has it now for college. The explanations read a bit wordy but the checklists/bulleted lists after each part make for a handy reference.

Not a practical guide to Social Interactions
This is my first book review and this is the first book I have read on AS. Please disregard other comments describing this book as being similar to a textbook; this book uses formal referencing, but it's a very easy read.

Firstly, I found the Personal Rating Scale at the end of the book to be very useful as it highlighted my significant difficulties with empathy and observational skills. This book focuses on processes for self-learning, rather than providing detailed examples of neuro-typical social interactions. My poor observational skills mean that I need help with neuro-typical social interactions, and I didn't consider the processes in this area were very practical, eg. observing non-verbal communication of actors in a movie, which I thought might depend heavily upon the quality of the acting.

For me, imagine a golf swing. I'm not very good at golf, but I know that the position, alignment and rotation of your entire body is important (eg. head, shoulders,...

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