Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Print [Print + Kindle] Get Rabate

Title : Print [Print + Kindle]
Category: Graphic Design
Brand: F&W Publications
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 3.2
Buyer Review : 21

Review :
This is not an idea generating or creative magazine
I thought I would try this magazine to see if it really did generate some ideas and creativity. However, (in my opinion) the art work and creativity inside is very lame compared to the covers. You cannot judge this book by the cover as the covers are pretty eye catching, but there are mostly ads and silly stories inside. This may have been a misunderstanding on my part regarding what the magazine's purpose is. So if you want ads and current "thought" on print media this may be good.

Too many ads, not enough content for the money.
This magazine was a required subscription for a design class. Very nice paper used and the cover designs entice me to read, but after opening I have a hard time finding much inspiration amongst the massive amount of advertising. I recommend flipping through it on the newsstand (if you can, there's a ton of heavy card stock ads in there) and maybe buying it whenever you see something of interest. Very little bang for your buck in a subscription.

Print Magazine
Print Magazine has a stiff price for very little substance and lots of advertising. I am disappointed and vote thumbs down for this magazine.

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