Sunday, April 3, 2016

3-d Negotiation: Powerful Tools to Change the Game in Your Most Important Deals Big Discount

Title : 3-d Negotiation: Powerful Tools to Change the Game in Your Most Important Deals
Category: Leadership
Brand: Lax, David A./ Sebenius, James K.
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 4.8
Buyer Review : 33

Description : This specific 3-d Negotiation: Powerful Tools to Change the Game in Your Most Important Deals performs excellent, simple to use along with modify. The price for this wa dramatically reduced compered to other areas I investigates, and not much more compared to similar item

This specific thing provides surpass the prospect, that one has turned into a great replace on me personally, The concept came securely as well as speedily 3-d Negotiation: Powerful Tools to Change the Game in Your Most Important Deals

When discussing being stuck in a "win-win vs. win-lose" debate, most negotiation books focus on face-to-face tactics. Yet, table tactics are only the "first dimension" of David A. Lax and James K. Sebenius' pathbreaking 3-D Negotiation (TM) approach, developed from their decades of doing deals and analyzing great dealmakers. Moves in their "second dimension"—deal design—systematically unlock economic and noneconomic value by creatively structuring agreements. But what sets the 3-D approach apart is its "third dimension": setup. Before showing up at a bargaining session, 3-D Negotiators ensure that the right parties have been approached, in the right sequence, to address the right interests, under the right expectations, and facing the right consequences of walking away if there is no deal. This new arsenal of moves away from the table often has the greatest impact on the negotiated outcome. Packed with practical steps and cases, 3-D Negotiation demonstrates how superior setup moves plus insightful deal designs can enable you to reach remarkable agreements at the table, unattainable by standard tactics.

Features :
  • Used Book in Good Condition

Review :
3-D Negotiation in a 1-D World
3-D Negotiation: Powerful Tools to Change the Game in Your Most Important Deals by David A. Lax and James K. Sebenius is not the book for Gordon Gekko types, practiced in the simple tactics of win-lose haggling. This book is the The Art of War for deal making. Like Sun Tzu for strategy, 3-D Negotiation is the primer on creating deals with lasting value. Anyone that has ever bought, sold, or traded anything will gain something with even the most cursory read of this work.

3-D Negotiation is a book that will become dog-eared, highlighted, notated, and underlined. This is a reference that you will return to again and again. It is very clearly written in a way that is accessible to everyone. Each point is illustrated with a relevant and detailed real-world (and often personal) example from the authors.

The authors are both graduates of Harvard Business School, co-founders of Harvard's Negotiation Roundtable and developed the executive program on strategic...
Insightful & essential
As a very fast-moving entrepreneur, I have to negotiate constantly. I'm

always on the lookout for good ideas to improve the deals I make. Frankly,

I don't need yet another book proclaiming that "win-win" is the answer or,

alternatively, that everything "starts with no." Obviously "no" has its

role and you're looking for an agreement that works for everyone and that

makes others want to keep on dealing with you. But I'm getting a little

tired of negotiation books with these obvious messages. So, when I picked

up 3-D Negotiation, I realized that it represents something different. Not

just war stories and platitudes, but a very practical approach, clearly

expressed and based on a lot of experience. The authors stress the

importance of the right "setup" moves away from the table before you even

begin the process at the table. They offer lots of examples to...
Taking negotiation beyond us vs. them...
Most books on negotiation that I've read focus on the tactics you use when you're face-to-face with the opponent. But what if you take a step back and shape the negotiation before you even show up? That's the general direction of 3-D Negotiation: Powerful Tools to Change the Game in Your Most Important Deals by David A. Lax and James K. Sebenius. I can see where this would give you a step up in numerous situations...


Part 1 - Overview: Negotiate in Three Dimensions; Do a 3-D Audit of Barriers to Agreement; Craft a 3-D Strategy to Overcome the Barriers

Part 2 - Set Up the Right Negotiation: Get All the Parties Right; Get All the Interests Right; Get the No-Deal Options Right; Get the Sequence and Basic Process Choices Right

Part 3 - Design Value-Creating Deals: Move "Northeast"; Dovetail Differences; Make Lasting Deals; Negotiate the Spirit of the Deal

Part 4 - Stress Problem-Solving Tactics: Shape Perceptions to Claim...

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