Saturday, April 9, 2016

SEAL the Deal Big Discount

Title : SEAL the Deal
Category: Contemporary
Brand: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 4.4
Buyer Review : 144

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This is a stand alone novel that can be read out of sequence. Portions of this book have appeared in several SEAL anthologies. This is the only version of the expanded and substantially changed story of Nick and Devon.
Special Operator Nick Dunn returns stateside to learn his sister is losing her battle with cancer. He comes to Sonoma County to help her close down and sell her struggling nursery, ten acres of heaven in the midst of vineyards. He isn't prepared for the attraction he instantly has to Devon Brandeburg, his sister's best friend and Realtor. He remembers her as a "noodle-armed youngster with braces" but boy has she grown up.
Devon Brandeburg remembers well the day her best friends big tough "testosterone-stuffed" brother came swaggering in, bragging he'd just graduated BUD/s and went on to get his gold Trident. She sees the same braggadocios attitude that repulsed her then now that he has come to help his sister settle her affairs. But she is surprised when one of the requirements for liquidating the nursery is a deathbed request. She finds she has to work closely with a man who is dangerous, especially since Devon's barely been kissed.
What starts out as an obligation soon turns to a heated affair that pushes both their boundaries. As Devon's body awakens to this man's touch, Nick's need for a life other than casual sex and perpetual bachelorhood evaporates. When a plot is uncovered that a greedy winery owner plans to do anything to possess the property, everyone involved is put at risk. Nick and his SEAL Team 3 buddies are tasked with saving the day.

Review :
So conflicted and a little bit angry
I am so conflicted about this story. It had some really good points to it, but some of it was just mind boggling. I have been reading this series and for the most part, I like the author's work. I shied away from this story because the premise just seemed strange. Why would a terminally ill woman leave a nursery to her brother and best friend who do not get along and then make them date? But, for the sake of the story, lets go with it. I did not like the heroine, Devon Brandeburg. She is so uptight, rude, and really needs anger management. Not only is she rude to Nick, but she treats his SEAL team buddies abominably. I still don't get what the scene was with her getting mad at all of them was about. It wasn't like they were mocking her and what is it with the reaction to being called ma'am? Very extreme! What was so strange to me was that Nick was made out to be a manwhore and she is a virgin, but when it comes down to it, he is the one with the feelings and she...
love me a SEAL
I think this tops any of the other in the series. It was intense and a few times threw me for a loop. I love reading books that keep my mind challenged and this is one of them. I cried for Sophie, so unfair what happened to her. I laughed at the SEALs antics, loved the way the brotherhood is portrayed. I was angry at Nick for doing some of the things he did... and there is Devon, a great friend to Sophie, spitfire is an apt description for her. I love a ending with HEA. Thank you Ms. Hamilton for another awesome read.

Memorable story
I really liked this story, I put me through a gamut of emotions. I liked that the h/h and were very real and likeable, especially Nick. Devon is the best friend of Nick's sister Sophie. Sophie is terminally ill so Nick and Devon come together to help her sell her property. As they work together, they begin to develop feelings for each other. Meanwhile, threats are made to Sophie, although I thought the suspense was quite predictable and even mildly drawn out. The climax was short and wrapped up neatly, so much so that I really wanted/expected more. There is also a secondary romance that was really sweet. Sharon Hamilton did a wonderful job writing about Sophie's cancer; it was quite emotional and because of these heavy emotions, I doubt I would re-read SEAL the Deal, despite my high review. This is definitely memorable and be prepared to become emotionally invested in the characters.

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