Friday, April 8, 2016

The Holy Spirit: So, What's the Big Deal? Big SALE

Title : The Holy Spirit: So, What's the Big Deal?
Category: Leadership
Brand: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 4.9
Buyer Review : 23

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This kind of thing delivers overtake own prospect, that one has developed into a wonderfull upgrade on me personally, The theory appeared correctly and rapidly The Holy Spirit: So, What's the Big Deal?

Short Description (2,000 characters, including spaces) Dr. Jerry Cook spent fifty years as a pastor, teaching and writing about the presence of the Holy Spirit and of Christ in everyday life—including speaking in tongues. But in a conversation with a young pastor he realized the need to explain this topic in a practical, accessible way for those who may have only been exposed to it through “shocking” manifestations of fanaticism. In this conversation, the young pastor wondered what the “big deal” was, and when Cook got over his anger at this dismissive assessment, he tackled the concept head-on. Cook first asserts that "It is possible to be a sane, intellectually honest, biblical, and dynamic Christian who is filled with the Holy Spirit, speaks in tongues, and effectually ministers the full life of Christ." He does not shy away from his own doubts and struggles in the church and his personal faith, striving not to create an academic, theoretical work but to ask the right questions and provide genuine, compassionate advice. Here, find practical, Biblical answers to the questions of the young pastor and of other Christians who have struggled with this concept. Examine six significant events, from the in-breaking of God through the birth, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus, ending with the day of Pentecost. Follow the radical relocation of God from "out there" to "with us" to "in us," and visualize the remarkable implications of this radical move to the Christian's everyday life. Examine the church and the manifestation of Christ in its structure, power, and gathering. Do not wonder what Jesus would do, but ask the radical question of who he would be. What does a practical, post-modern Spirit-filled Christian look like? How is Jesus made visible in everyday living, and why is it important? Who is the church, really? In accessible terms, Cook explains that we are not just to do what Jesus would do, but rather to be who Jesus would be. In this way, we can bring visibility to His presence and access to His life and hope.

Review :
Pastor Jerry just thinks better...
The best book on effective church living is "Love, Acceptance, Forgiveness."
The best book about the incarnational church is "Monday Morning Church."
It is no surprise that Pastor Jerry would write a book about the Holy Spirit that would be equally as powerful.
Jerry lays down a strong theological argument about the Holy Spirit throughout the whole Bible. The theology is dead on orthodox while still challenging the status quo of our dying American Church.
Couldn't recommend higher.

Jerry Cooks Book
Very well written . A book all should read in these troubled times. God gave us the gift of the Holy Spirit and too many of us deny him or set him aside. This book leads you to a better understanding of what the bible says about the Holy Spirit and how we need him,

The Holy Spirit - So What's The Big Deal?
Jerry Cook has been forming and informing my theology of the Church and Pentecost for over 30 years. Jerry has given Pentecostals permission to think and has laid some of the initial groundwork for historic Pentecostals to explore a Spirit-infused life in all areas of our creation - mind, body and soul. As I began reading Jerry's book, I found myself underlining those unique one line quotes that Jerry has been known for throughout the years. These single concepts themselves could become individual books. For me, the purchase of this book would be worth the cost if it only contained chapter 10, The Equipping of the Church - brilliant stuff.

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