Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Steal the Show: From Speeches to Job Interviews to Deal-Closing Pitches, How to Guarantee a Standing Ovation for All the Performances in Your Life On Sale

Title : Steal the Show: From Speeches to Job Interviews to Deal-Closing Pitches, How to Guarantee a Standing Ovation for All the Performances in Your Life
Category: Guides
Brand: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 4.8
Buyer Review : 168

Description : This Steal the Show: From Speeches to Job Interviews to Deal-Closing Pitches, How to Guarantee a Standing Ovation for All the Performances in Your Life does fantastic, simple to operate along with modify. The price for is was lower when compared with other locations My partner and i reviewed, and not considerably more when compared with related merchendise

This type of item Offer surpass out anticipation, this one has turned into a fantastic upgrade on myself personally, The thought showed up safely and also quickly Steal the Show: From Speeches to Job Interviews to Deal-Closing Pitches, How to Guarantee a Standing Ovation for All the Performances in Your Life

An inspiring program full of essential advice for spotlight lovers and wallflowers alike that will teach readers how to bring any crowd to its feet

Every day there are moments when you must persuade, inform, and motivate others effectively. Each of those moments requires you, in some way, to play a role, to heighten the impact of your words, and to manage your emotions and nerves. Every interaction is a performance, whether you’re speaking up in a meeting, pitching a client, or walking into a job interview. 
In Steal the Show, New York Times best-selling author Michael Port draws on his experience as an actor and as a highly successful corporate speaker and trainer to teach readers how to make the most of every presentation and interaction. He demonstrates how the methods of successful actors can help you connect with, inspire, and persuade any audience. His key strategies for commanding an audience’s attention include developing a clear focus for every performance, making sure you engage with your listeners, and finding the best role for yourself in order to convey your message with maximum impact. 
Michael Port is one of the most in-demand corporate speakers working today. His presentations are always powerful, engaging, and inspirational. And yes, audiences always give him a standing ovation.

Review :
Great for neophyte and experienced speakers and presenters
Michael Port is one of those rarities in the self-help genre: he’s knowledgeable and honest. He also writes well.

Here he instructs the reader on how to a more effective speaker or presenter, no matter what their role: small meeting to national television.

I have been speaking and presenting to groups for more decades than I care to admit and this book has everything I’ve learned along the way and more.

There is virtually no superfluity in this book. It’s all solid advice for a person standing in front of an audience.

For the person willing to assess themselves critically and willing to learn and adopt new techniques, this is a gem of an instruction manual on how to effectively present.


Great book on presenting speeches
My college minor was speech, and I work where I make public presentations on a weekly basis. So I'm no stranger to speaking in public.

Michael Port's work in "Steal the Show" is especially helpful for learning how to get started in presenting public presentations. While he does addresses material presentation, I would suggest that you will want additional guidance on doing the research and writing for your presentation, then apply the principles of Steal the Show as you edit and prepare the public side.

Port has taken some of the principles of good acting and applies them here to "everyday life" situations of speaking and presenting. I think he's chosen some good material, especially about developing an aura of certainty in your work.

I also find valuable the guidance about knowing what you want, generally, and how your speaking opportunities attempt to fill that in by filling in the small blocks.

All in, is it worth it? I...
Seriously good information. Hope I can get some colleagues to read this book.
I received an advanced uncorrected proof as part of the Vine program.

I have been performing for the past 30+ years either at work or on stage as a conference presenter in front of hundreds this is an extremely good book. First off, this book has an incredible amount of content far more than I was expecting. So expect to spend some quality time to read through cover to cover. The book is also well structured and flows from one concept to the next in, what seems to me, a logical path.

There are sections of this book I want some of my colleagues and clients to read. Like the section on "Yes and ..." because too many naysayers really does throw off the momentum of progress. And I think a lot of the chapters would help people grow up and become adults. Especially some of the younger generation coming into the working ranks need to read the section on Risk. Because far too many are taking risks they shouldn't be especially when they keep saying...

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